";s:21:"divi_integration_body";s:853:" Projects | CSL
01283 552255 [email protected]
Twin Spirals Installed at DB Schenker

Twin Spirals Installed at DB Schenker

Twin Spirals Installed at DB Schenker The Client DB Schenker is one of the world’s leading global logistics providers, supporting industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply...
TIMCO National Distribution Centre

TIMCO National Distribution Centre

TIMCO National Distribution Centre The Client Established in 1972 by Tim Midwood, TIMCO is celebrating its 50th anniversary as a family business. Renowned as a wholesale supplier to the construction and industrial sectors nationwide, the company specialises in...
CEF National e-commerce Fulfilment Centre

CEF National e-commerce Fulfilment Centre

CEF National e-commerce Fulfilment Centre Find out how CSL Automation designed and implemented an efficient eCommerce fulfilment system for CEF’s new distribution centre to help enhance throughput and meet customer demand.  The Client City Electrical Factors –...
Wiggle ‘moved’ by CSL

Wiggle ‘moved’ by CSL

Wiggle ‘moved’ by CSL Download this Case StudyClicking the button below will download a copy ofthis case study in PDF format Click Here The Client Wiggle Ltd, the UK’s top online retailer for cycle, run, and swim gear, recently decided to relocate its...